Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fried Green Tomatoes

The movie was great, but these are the best.  Spicy, sweet, savory and most of all southern.

4 Larger green tomatoes (preferably heirloom)
1 cup flour
6 tsp Cajun seasoning
3 tsp salt
3 tsp pepper
2 large eggs
1 cup buttermilk
2 cups breadcrumbs
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup oil for frying

Start by setting up your dredging stations.  Flour, 2 tsp of Cajun seasoning, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp pepper in one shallow dish.  Eggs, buttermilk, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp pepper, 2 tsp Cajun seasoning in another shallow dish.  Bread crumbs, cheese, and the remaining salt, pepper and Cajun seasoning.

Chop your tomatoes into 1/2 thick slices.  Pat them dry with a paper towel, and then dredge them first in the flour, then the egg mixture, then the breadcrumbs.  Place them into a preheated skillet over medium high heat with the oil at around 350 degrees.

Fry them until golden brown and strain off excess oil on a paper towel.  That is it.  You can serve them with a remoulade, or a jelly, or even mayonnaise.  For me, I just eat em... .


anniebakes said...

i have never had these, but surely want to give them a try!!

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Mini Baker said...

stumbled upon your blog. Boy does this recipe sound great!! Love it.
Can't wait to browse around :)
-mini b.